January 15, 2021Meet The Maker
James Eagle
We recently partnered with Melbourne-based illustrator, James Eagle, to create a capsule that encompasses what Summer means to us. We caught up with James to chat about his work and creative process and to find out how he survived the particularly tough year that was 2020.
Tell us a bit about yourself and your art. How would you describe your style and how has it evolved over time?
I am originally from Wellington in New Zealand and after travelling for a few years I landed in Melbourne and I have been here for the past 10 years now. I'd say I am inspired by small moments in the everyday. Usually with a human element and often a touch of humour. At the moment I am simplifying my illustrations, trying to say more with less.
Being based in Melbourne, 2020 would have been a particularly tough year for you. How did being in lockdown affect your creativity and productivity?
Yeah lockdown was not fun!!! It was hard being stuck in my Brunswick bubble as I get a lot of inspiration from travel. I started looking for those small moments closer to home. My dog, coffee and beer started to be repeating themes. But I just got down to the beach for Christmas which was great for the creative juices.

Looking through your Instagram, you have done a lot of work for restaurants, café’s (including our neighbours Stable), coffee and wine businesses. Is this part of living in the food capital of Australia or is this use of graphic design something you are drawn to? What are you favourite projects to take on?
It's fun getting to work with places that I love to eat and drink at and I'm fortunate that this is the kind of work that has come my way. I love being able to add an illustration to a client's brand or get to do the brand itself. It is always nice working with people that are good at what they do.
We love the screen prints you are selling on your website, tell us about this process.
Screenprinting is a print process where ink is pushed through a mesh screen onto a surface using a squeegee, kind of like a stencil. There are a lot more steps but that is the gist of it. I like printing T-shirts and large paper prints. I love being able to do the whole process from design to final print.

We especially love the 2 prints you created for the Kind Curations x James Eagle collection. They are a perfect representation of what summer means for us. Can you pick a favourite or is that a bit like being asked to choose your favourite child?
Thanks guys I loved getting to work on these designs for Kind Curations. At the start of last year I got a dog named Bobby and I have been sneaking him into my illustrations recently. He makes an appearance on one of the Kind Curation designs so I would have to say that one.
Shop our collaboration with James Eagle here.
Follow James on socials and check out more of his work here.